Thank you for your interest in donating to our organization. Your donation helps shape this community into a safer, healthier, and more enjoyable place to live. We strive to be good stewards of all the monetary contributions we receive. We are frugal with our spending, but not cheap. This ensures that we are delivering quality care and establishing buildings and infrastructure that will withstand the test of time, without overspending. We aggressively seek cost-cutting measures and donation-matching grants to help fuel the work we do. The donations we have received to date have allowed us to open a fully functional mental health and substance abuse counseling center that provides both outpatient and inpatient treatment, a prevention program and to begin construction on a resiliency center that will provide a safe place for our community’s youth.
The mission is to build resilient youth, feed the hungry, and guide those seeking recovery from addiction and mental illness to freedom, hope, and a new life
Where We Are
11821 OH-160,
Vinton, OH 45686
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