Real Stories of Recovery

There is help, and there is hope.  

In my last two blogs, I talked about the nature of addiction and the source of the addictive chemicals that are available today. Knowledge of the issue doesn’t count for much if we do not use that to see life change and restoration. It happens. Here are two life-changing stories told by Stephanie Bobb and Kelly Bainter. Two amazing women who we have seen grow from despair to recovery and have come full circle helping others here at Field of Hope. There is help, and there is hope.  

Stephanie Bobb

Hi, let me introduce myself. My name is Stephanie Bobb. I was born and raised in Racine, Ohio.

The road to my addiction began by hanging out with the wrong people when I was in high school. I stopped participating in all things academic and extracurricular.

By the time I graduated high school in 2007, I was addicted to prescription medication and headed nowhere fast. I was hooked and a full-blown addict before I even knew what addiction was. This lasted for 15-plus years until I was arrested and sentenced to prison.

My addiction led me to abuse anything and everything I could get my hands on. To say that it started and ended with prescription pills would not be the truth. I was in abusive relationships and not feeling worthy of anything else.

When I was sentenced, I knew I was taking my Bible with me and using my time for good. Getting to know God and getting clean was what I planned to take from this nightmare experience. I was released from prison two and a half years later – sober but having no real idea how to live a clean life without using.

Finding Field of Hope

My friend mentioned Field of Hope to me while I was in prison. I made the decision to visit it once I was released and started coming to Field of Hope with no driver’s license and no job. I had lost everything except for my supportive family and very few sober friends.

Field of Hope entrance
Field of Hope front entrance

The FOH staff welcomed me with open arms. For once I felt worthy of the life I knew God had for me. They showed me that there were still good people in this world, which was nothing that I had known before. I got a job, my driver’s license, and a car, and was saved by the grace of God. Field of Hope took me to every appointment and helped me meet the goals I had set for myself.

After completing the program I had saved enough money to get my own place and furnish it. I still kept in contact with the team at Field of Hope and when they had a position available, I applied and was hired. I started from the bottom and have since worked my way up.

Field of Hope has been my biggest fan in this journey. They have believed in me like no one ever has. They’ve had faith in me from the first day I got here and continue to believe in me as a trusted employee.

New Life and New Career with Field of Hope

I am now the prevention manager and custodial supervisor here at Field of Hope. God is still at the forefront of my recovery. I’m now about to celebrate 6 years of sobriety.

I get the blessed opportunity to teach the children in the community and to prevent them from making the same mistakes I made when I was young. But most of all I want to make sure they know that there is someone who cares for them. I want to be that person that I wished I’d had when I was at that pivotal moment in my life.

I was able to work and get my own place and my youngest daughter came back to live with me and now I get to be in both of my daughter’s lives now and my grandchildren’s as well!

Kelly Bainter

Kelly Bainter
Kelly Bainter, FOH House Manager

Hi, my name is Kelly Bainter. I was born and raised in Gallipolis, Ohio. My addiction began in my late twenties. I hurt my back at work and was prescribed pain medication.

At first, I took my pain medication as prescribed. After a short period of time, I was introduced to snorting them and began taking more than I was supposed to. My husband was taking them and snorting them as well.

Before we knew it, we were both addicted. My prescription was not enough for both of us, and pain medication became harder to get. We then turned to Heroin.

Battling Addiction and Cancer

After being on Heroin for a few years we lost almost everything we had. We burned almost all the bridges we had with the ones who truly loved us. My husband was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer and died 6 months after being diagnosed. I began using more and more of them to numb my feelings. After my husband died, I was in rehab for 9 months and stayed clean for almost two and a half years. I thought I had beaten my addiction, but I was wrong.

I had not learned some very important things: I hadn’t healed from past trauma, and most importantly I hadn’t surrendered my life to Christ. My dad was diagnosed with bladder cancer and my mom’s health wasn’t the greatest, so my youngest daughter and I were staying with them.

I came in contact with someone from my past and was introduced to meth for the first time. I thought it would be okay because it wasn’t an opiate, but I was wrong.

The following year my dad passed away from his cancer. I then lost two people I dearly loved to this horrible disease. I was on a downhill spiral from there and became someone I didn’t know, someone I didn’t like, and someone I didn’t want to be. I became homeless, not knowing where I would stay from night to night. My youngest daughter went to stay with my oldest daughter where she would be better off at the time.

From Jail to Hope at Field of Hope

I ended up going to jail and knew I didn’t want to live like that anymore. Field of Hope is faith-based and I knew that God would need to be part of my recovery and also what I needed in my life.

happy birthday to you greeting card
Photo by Tara Winstead on

I began to heal there from so many things that had happened in my life. I was surrounded by people that cared. They showed me kindness, empathy, and encouragement. I learned who I was, how to love myself, and how to be a better person.

I learned things I have to do for the rest of my life in order to maintain my sobriety. I also surrendered my life to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and became a new person and the old me is dead and gone.

I know God has a purpose for me or I wouldn’t be alive. He shows me new things all of the time. I know that whatever He has planned for me is far greater than I could hope for.

While I was in the program at Field of Hope, they took me to court, helped me get my license back, and took me to work at my first job after getting clean. I was able to work and get my own place and my youngest daughter came back to live with me. Now I get to be in both of my daughter’s lives now and my grandchildren’s as well!

Achieving Goals at Field of Hope

I was hired at Field of Hope the following year as a Case Manager. I got my CDCA license and now I am a House Manager. I get to work with the ladies when they first come into treatment.

I absolutely love my job!! Everyone has a story to tell, but not everyone has someone to tell their story to. I wanted to be that person for someone and I get to do that! My job brings joy and meaning to my life! Field of Hope believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. I have an amazing work family! They support and encourage me in each new step I take.

I have been able to achieve many of the goals I set while in the program and have set new ones. When I completed the program, I was actually proud of myself for the first time in a long time! I have almost two and a half years clean now!! Glory to God!!

It’s an honor and a privilege to work alongside the people who helped me change my life!! I will be forever grateful to the Field of Hope for helping me along my journey in recovery, leading me to Christ, and now allowing me to be along for other people’s journey. 

Organizations such as Field of Hope and Gallia-Jackson-Meigs ADAMH Board work to try to help those who are lost in addiction and unsure where to go or who to turn to. At Field of Hope, we understand that there can be many obstacles when rebuilding a new life in recovery. You will not do this alone. We provide services for drug, alcohol, and gambling addiction recovery and mental health care. Caring staff will walk alongside you to help you put the pieces together from start to finish. Call us today at (740) 245-3051

Kevin Dennis

Kevin Dennis
Founder and CEO
Field of Hope

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