What to do about Addiction?

A typical dilemma is for parents or other loved ones who are fighting their children’s or other family member’s addictions without the proper training and background to really help.  Helping an addict financially may enable them to continue their habit.

Ohio Overdose Awareness Day in Gallia County

Every year, on the 31st of August, the state of Ohio comes together to observe Overdose Awareness Day. This sad event reminds us of the devastating consequences of substance abuse and addiction. It serves as a reminder of the immense toll they have taken on individuals, families, and communities in the state. Today is a day to honor those who died from an overdose. It is also a day to raise awareness about the opioid crisis. Additionally, it is a day to help those battling addiction through education and support.

The Benefits of Daydreaming for Mental Health

Daydreaming helps to reset our minds. It improves our cognitive function and problem-solving. Additional benefits of daydreaming include things like:

Reprieve from stressful situations
Reduces anxiety
Helps us reach our goals
Allows our brains to process feelings, events, and problems that need a solution

How Narcan Provides Second Chances

As we say goodbye to September and Recovery month, we wanted to reflect on what recovery means.  Recovery can mean more time with your loved ones, more time traveling, more time seeing what God has in store for you.  For us, recovery means a second chance.